In 2010 I published a lengthy history of the Eggleston Family – The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson) by Karen Eggleston Stark. (700 pages Hard bound)

The Joseph Eggleston Family
Price: The Joseph Eggleston Family $55.00
Plus shipping
In 2003, I compiled another book consisting of biographies and histories related to our Cheney and Wilson Ancestors – Cheney-Wilson Family History. (180 pages spiral bound)

Cheney-Wilson Family History Book
This book is currently out of print. If there are requests for multiple copies, I will have more printed.
If interested in a copy of the Eggleston book, please fill out the form below with your address in the Message box. I will contact you with total and payment methods.