The old church records that my father and I found at the Rose Hill/Thorn Hill Baptist Church on our visit in 2001, proved to be a wealth of information about our Eggleston family. The Articles of Faith and Covenant, along with church membership lists are in a previous post. The first excerpts of entries pertaining to Eggleston family members from the beginnings of the church in 1807 until 1811 are in Part 1. This post, Part 2 covers the years 1812- 1816.
Isaac Skeels, who later married Samuel Eggleston Jr.’s daughter Anna, joined the Marcellus Church June 7, 1812, along with his brother Truman Skeels.

John Alport, Truman Skeels & Isaac Skeels was this day Baptized and received into our fellowship
The Skeels began to have difficulties with the Church shortly after joining. Nathan Eggleston and Luther Manley were sent to visit Simeon Skeels, Isaac’s father, and request he attend a meeting. Deacon Thompson had received a letter from another church mentioning a difficulty with Simeon Skeels and the wife of Jedidiah Hurd. Unfortunately, I did not copy the next page, so this issue is left hanging.

At Covenant meeting upon a request from Brethren in Camillus.
Voted to send Eld. Harman, Joshua Chandler, Amasa Kneeland & Truman Skeels to set in council on the 20th inst.
Voted at church meeting on Saturday next at 1 o’clock at Deacon Thompsons.
Voted Deacon Thompson, Amasa Sessions, Amasa Chapman, Nathan Eagleston & Luther Manley a committee to visit Mr. Simeon Skeels and request him to attend said meeting.
May 22 Brethren of the church met for Church meeting at Deacon Thompsons according to a previous appointment. After prayer Deacon Nathan Thompson moderator.
Then received a letter from the Church in Gorham stating a difficulty against Brother Simeon Skeels for harboring the wife of Jedediah Hurd. After hearing the above letter and also from the above committee who have visited Brother Skeels. Proceeded to enquire into the merits of the case. 1st Did the wife of Jedediah Hurd have liberty from him to come to Marcellus. Ans. it appeared she had $9 an order from J. D. Hurd and other circumstances. 2nd Has Brother Skeels refused to . . .
Later in the summer of 1813, probably August, Betsey Eggleston was baptized along with Sally Berry. There were a number of Betsey Egglestons. One, Samuel Jr.’s wife had been baptized in the early days of the church, her name being given as Elizabeth in that record. John B. Eggleston married Betsey Hoxie about 1810, so this could be her. Benjamin Eggleston married Elizabeth Wiltse and they were active members later.

Received Sisters Sally Berry & Betsey Eggleston into our Fellowship by baptism
Simeon Skeels difficulties had not just been with his previous church. Another issue was brought before the church in 1814. This was about dificulties he had with individual of the church and refusing or neglecting to attend to the difficulties. Nathan Eggleston was again one sent to work with him.
I am including this letter of exclusion for Betsy Johnson because it is probably typical of those letter than some of our family members received.

Church met agreeable to appointment at Deacon Thompsons after prayer & singing. Voted Deacon Hiscock moderator. Brethren Nathan Eagleston and Wyllis Manly inform the Church that they have cited Br. Simeon Skeels to attend here today. Br. Skeels being present says he has neglected his duty as stated above—and Further says he will attend to the difficulty with those individuals in two weeks. Voted to postpone the above matter with Br. Skeels until next Church Meeting.
Betsy Johnson letter of exclusion “To our once covenanted Sister Betsy Johnson you are hereby informed that in consequence of your unchristian conduct your neglect of travail with the chutch and your refusing to head the church when called upon, we have put you away from amongst us. Yet our desire and prayer to God is that you may find repentance twards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and yet be. . ..
This matter between Simeon Skeel and Brother and Sister Hurd was apparently resolved in April.

Church met agreeable to appointment. After singing and prayer Br. Skeels being present says he has attended to the difficulty which he has had with individuals of the Church which was proved by Brethren Nathan Eagleston and Amasa Sessions. Voted Satisfied with Br. Simeon Skeels on their labour with him. Br. Simeon Skeels then brought difficulties as follows against Br. Thadeous L. Hurd Viz. 1st Br. Thadeus L. Hurd has once settled all matters of difficulty with him and afterwords denied it or said he had a difficulty with him 2nd For not attending to the above difficulty in a Gospel manner…3rd He says Br. Hurd has reported that he (Br. Skeels) has said one thing at one time and denied it at another time. Voted to receive the above difficulties to labour after learning that Br. Skeels has taken Br. N. Eaglestone and Br. Sessions to labor with him. After considerable conversation Br. Skeels and Br. Hurd & wife said to be satisfied with each other. Voted we are satisfied with them.
Later in 1814, Simeon and Isaac Skeels apparently were becoming involved with Universalism. Nathan Eggleston was sent with Deacon Thompson to visit them.

Brethren appointed to visit Brethren Simeon and Isaac Skeels made reutrns. Voted we are not satisfied with those brethrem. Voted Deacon Thompson & Bro. Nathan Eggleston shall be appointed to visit Brethren Simeon and Isaac Skeels to learn their sentiment concerning Universalism and cite them to our next church meeting.

Church met at Brother John Hunt to set in order things wanting in Gods house. . .After singing and prayer Bro. Harmon was chosen moderator. Deacon Thompson made returns that he with Bro. N. Eagleston had visited Br. Simeon Skeels (Br. Isaac being in the army) and cited him to attend here to day he was not present. Deacon Thompson also stated that in conversation with Br. Simeon Skeels upon the subject of Universalism he stated that he hoped there was no future punishment but did not answer definitely that he believed all men would go to heaven at death or not. Voted that we still are dissatisfied with Br. Skeels. Voted Brethren John Hunt & Ebenezer Lewis shall cite Br. Simeon Skeels to attend next church meeting and answer the Church 1st then reason of his hope why there will be no future punishment and why he has not maintained a gospel travail with the church.
In 1815, apparently after church leaders and members working with the Skeels, Isaac excluded from the church.

Br. Isaac Skeels being present says his mind is much the same it was at the last church meeting after much conversation and labor with him.Eld. Harman then arose and give him the second admonition. We then voted to withdraw our Fellowship from Br. Isaac Skeels. Voted that the Clerk write and read a letter of exclusion next sabbath.
Though Isaac Skeels had been excluded, the church was still working with Truman Skeels in 1816. Nathan Eggleston was sent with John Hunt to visit him.

Voted Br. John Hunt & Bro. Nathan Eagleston to visit Brother T. Skeels, W. Manley, L. Manley & Calvin Manley and request them to help eld. Harman and make [ ]. . .
Bro. J. Hunt & Br. N. Eggleston say that they have visited the Brethren to which they were appointed and they informed them that they would visit Eld. Harman and settle with him.
The Marcellus Baptist Church Records continue in another blog post: Part 3 1816-1819.
In my book, The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson) church record entries for specific people are discussed there under the heading CHURCH RECORDS. Background information about this church is included in Appendix B THE BAPTIST CHURCHES.